The Do’s & Don’ts of a Smart Website Design

web design service tips

Designing a website is not easy. If you are looking for an innovating website design, that requires unique talents and a few basic do’s and don’ts that should be followed at any cost. Now matter how efficient web design software you have at your disposal, unless and until you follow these rules, you will not reach to your ultimate goal.

To discuss the basic rules of web design, I have simplified the complexities for your aid, so that you can have a clear idea of what you need to do when you sit to design a website.

The Do’s of a Smart Website Design:

Create Easy Navigation: Your website’s motto is to make it engaging for the traffic and help them understand what your website is all about. Therefore, first and foremost thing you have to keep in mind is creating an easy-to-navigate website, which is key. This is the way one communicates in the web. The design should be simple, engaging, useful and consistent.

Consistent Interface is Key: You need to keep the interface of your whole website consistent as that is the basic principle of any good UX. All the pages of the website should have consistency. Fonts & color scheme also play a pretty crucial role in the website design.

Easy-to-Scan Pages: People have very little patience nowadays. Ans therefore you need to think like an audience first. People do not want to get into boring details and lengthy texts. Create pages that are easy to scan and yet the message can be understood clearly. Give importance to meaningful visuals rather than bulky text.

Choices Should be Minimal: The choices in your website should be pretty minimal to keep it easy for the audiences. The more choices you offer the more confusion it creates. If simple yes or no, agree or disagree work, keep it that way, so that your traffic does not get irritated with the loads of options.

Content Matters: Nowadays website designers have a tendency to think that any content would do the trick, it’s about the flashy look. If you think so, YOU ARE DOOMED then. Contents are the cornerstone of a smart web design. If you don’t have crisp, to-the-point, smart content, your website will never achieve higher conversion rate as you desire.

Responsive Website Is Imperative: Today there are multiple devices available to use internet. And therefore, your website should also be flexible across all devices. So that anyone can visit your website anytime from any device they want.

The Don’ts of a Smart Website Design:

Page Should Load Fast: As mentioned earlier, people do not like to wait. If your web page does not load instantly, your website’s conversion rate will never increase.

Strict No to Many Typefaces: Do not make your website look disturbing and annoying. We know that there are hundreds of options available which does not mean you have to use them. Keep it look clean and simple.

No to Color Celebration: Do not ever use too many colors in your website. Color scheme is very essential to create a certain mood for audience. If you use many colors, it will become irritating and painful for the eye.

Don’t Show Generic Pictures: This is strictly prohibited. Downloaded generic pictures of people or products or services can destroy your website’s credibility instantly.

Don’t Make It Complex: People do not like complexities while browsing. Do not make it hard for them. Beauty is important in web design, as so is usability. Your website should be simple yet fun to scroll. That needs to be the motto.

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